You know, there are many ways to fail in life. You probably don’t need me to remind you of this. I mean, you’re probably failing at certain areas of your life right now. Hey, welcome to the club. All of us are either in the process of failing or about to enter a period of failing.
Failure is a part of life and, unfortunately, in our American culture, failure is looked at as some sort of disease. Failure is looked at as some sort of fucked-up stigmata that once people hear that you have a tough time or are going through a rough patch, people don’t want to have anything to do with you. It’s like as if you’ve contracted Ebola or leprosy.
It really is fucked up, messed up and oh so sad because failure is everywhere. You may think you’re succeeding, sure, you may be making $100,000 or $300,000 a year, but your relationships might be failing or your health may be failing. Do you see where I’m coming from?
Life is kind of like a balloon. When you push on one end of the balloon, you don’t know what other part will be affected, but you can bet there will be another part that will be affected because that’s how life works.
So if you want to ensure some level of success, don’t worry about failing. What’s more important is that you clearly understand why you failed and wrap your mind around the fact that there are areas for improvement when it comes to your game.
Be humble enough to want to make the change and you will be able to right your ship and get to where you need to go. That’s the bottom line. So don’t beat yourself up.
In light of these, the most common failure, really, is the fear of failure. Once you get over that, pussy becomes easy when you use .